Thursday, December 5, 2013

Check out Hilarious Baby Costumes !

Baby's 'Wayne's World'

Live on Wayne and Garvey! In the 1992 film, these head-banging twenty-something year olds acted a bit juvenile even for their age. So if any of you gen-xers want to relive your teens vicariously through your offspring, we recommend this excellent costume idea. Great for twins!! Aww, mini Mike Myers and Dana Carvey are just too adorable!

Homeless & So Sad

It may be a popular costume after six years into the Great Recession, but we can all use a bit of comic relief. Who could deny this little sweetie, he's probably veteran of the playground. "Trick or Treat and spare change.. anyone?"

Prince Incarnate

Are you hearing the backbeats of 'Purple Rain' in your head? Wow, this kid looks amazing as little Prince.. or is it still the little artist formally known as Prince?! Looks like he's losing half of his mustache though.. Too cute!

Sprouting Mushrooms

Look what's growing in the backyard! It's a sprouting mushroom with a green worm on it's belly. Kids with creative parents will put-up with a lot. "Hurry-up with the photo-taking already, people are gonna start to realize I'm fungus!"

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