Thursday, November 1, 2012

Buying a Motorcycle Helmet

Buying a Motorcycle Helmet - Key Facts to Remember.
For some for motorcycle riders, buying a helmet is an easy enough task - they just walk into a store, find a branded helmet that looks good, is inexpensive and that's it. Else they may rely on their friends, family members or even the dealers selling the helmets to make up their minds. After a few cursory looks at all the helmets, they have made a decision and a helmet is bought.However for all those who know what a crucial part of motorcycle safety a helmet is, and who have read up all they can about buying proper helmets, this can be a fairly daunting task. Helmet buying is serious business indeed, in fact, your very life depends on it but with some key facts in hand, you need not find the task daunting any more.
What Helmet To Buy
If you have ever wondered if a helmet is all that important as it is made out to be, stop this very instant and take a look at some of the statistics of motorcycle accidents the world over. Studies both from the U.S. and all over the world clearly show that all those riders who had helmets on crashed less frequently than those who did not, and even if they did crash, they suffered far fewer injuries and deaths. Motorcycle riders with helmets could protect themselves from serious injuries like long-term or permanent disabilities caused by suffering head or neck injuries during a motorcycle crash. So, yes a motorcycle helmet is probably the most important part of one's motorcycle gear.
It is important that you choose a helmet carefully and after making sure of its comfort and fit.

However, at times, even experienced riders who are just trying to replace an old helmet may be a little confused about which new helmet to buy. Remember this - any helmet that meets the D.O .T (U.S. Department of Transportation) standard offer far more protection than one does not meet the standard. A D.O.T helmet makes it mandatory for every certified helmet to be able to absorb a certain amount of impact energy, have a fastening system that will stay in place even in the worst of crashes and will be able to prevent most penetration. Thus even an inexpensive D.O.T helmet will provide more protection than a very expensive non-D.O.T helmet. Other than possessing a D.O.T certificate, make sure the helmet stays well on your head even if you need to dismount in a hurry and is comfortable around your head.

What Else Can a Helmet do?

Helmets can help you hear other sounds much better because they cut down the rest of the ambient wind noise. They can also reduce the fatigue caused by wind, thereby keeping you more alert. Your eyes are protected and you can see much better through a helmet. Further you need not be troubled by insects flying in your face if you use a full-face helmet.
If you take the time and put in the efforts in finding a good helmet, you will find even long rides comfortable and enjoyable.

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